Lopi Yarns

Einband Lopi Yarn

Buy more, pay less:
$6.75 for 8+

100% Icelandic Wool. 273 (250 m)yds/ea, 1488yds/lb. Setts: 10 tabby, 12-13 twill. Gauge: 7-8 St/inch on US Sz 1 needle or 4-4.5 St/inch on US Sz 6-7 needleB-J hook. Colors: 46.

Einband Lopi description: Einband is a beautiful singles spun from 100% new Icelandic Wool, Einband by Lopi is a good choice for lighter weight yet warm sweaters, lace shawls or accessories, or as an interesting add-along to lend body and strength t... more...

Jöklalopi (Bulky lopi) Yarn

Buy more, pay less:
$11.60 for 8+

100% Icelandic Wool. 66yds/ea, 299yds/lb. Gauge: K: 1.5-3 stitches/in on sz 9 to 13 C: 1.25-2.25 stitches/in on sz M-13 and up. Colors: 8.

Jöklalopi (Bulky lopi) description: Jöklalopi, is the bulkiest of all the Lopi yarns (also referred to as Bulkylopi). This chunky 100% Icelandic Wool is an exceptionally warm singles that features all the strength, durability, breathability and in... more...

Léttlopi (Lite Lopi) Icelandic Wool Yarn

$6.80/50 g ball
Buy more, pay less:
$6.05 for 8+

100% Icelandic Wool. 109yds/50 g ball, 995yds/lb. Setts: 5-6 (weft only) tabby, 7-8 (weft only) twill. Gauge: K: 4.5 - 5 stitches/in on sz 7 - 8 C: 2.75 - 2.5 stitches/in on sz I-9 to K-10.5. Colors: 44.

Léttlopi (Lite Lopi) Icelandic Wool Yarn description: Classic Icelandic yoked sweaters as well as Fair Isle or contemporary colorwork knitting all look stunning and stand the test of time in Icelandic Léttlopi. Its a lighter weight version of the ... more...

Lopi Alafoss Icelandic Wool Yarn

$12.50/3.5 oz ball
Buy more, pay less:
$11.25 for 8+

100% Wool. 110yds/3.5 oz ball, 500yds/lb. Gauge: K: 3.25 - 3.5 stitches/in on sz 10 - 10.5 C: 2-1.38 stitches/in on sz K-10.5 to M-13. Colors: 46.

Lopi Alafoss Icelandic Wool Yarn description: Lopi the very word conjures up images of traditional yoked sweaters in natural colors. But take a closer look at this yarn! Lopi isnt so traditional anymore. A wide array of contemporary colors makes i... more...

Plötulopi Unspun Icelandic Wool Yarn

$12.00/3.5 oz cake
Buy more, pay less:
$10.75 for 8+

100% Icelandic Wool. 328yds/3.5 oz cake, 1495yds/lb. Gauge: 1 ply 4-5 stitches/in on sz 72 ply 3-4 stitches/in on sz 9. Colors: 12.

Plötulopi Unspun Icelandic Wool Yarn description: Icelandic Plötulopi means unspun plates. This 100% Icelandic wool comes in 3.5 oz cakes. Since Plötulopi is an unspun yarn, it is fragile to knit; however due to the length of its fibres, it knits... more...